Monday, May 27, 2013

Beans 'n Rice

I'm moving this week. It's an odd move. I'm putting everything in storage so I can do a little self imposed sabbatical and get lots of writing done.

Most of the world would welcome my make shift accommodations . And I've loved assessing a n of my things as I pack them away. Each item has a story, a lovely story that has added to the family story. Some of them are stories the family inherited.

Downsizing is making me think about simplifying the decisions I have to make each day. Simplified decisions means more time for the creative.  So I think about making a pot of beans and rice and calling it good for eating off of during the days ahead while I focus my attention on the creation of documents that will , hopefully, be encouraging of either support or courage.

And then I realize that what I consider a simplification in my world is a staple in the rest of the world.

I count my blessings and promise myself I will think of it, consume and savor like a feast.


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