Saturday, March 22, 2014

Big Batch Living

I was given this chicken this week. But I had been given a chicken last week as well. And I had a corned beef. Suddenly I'm looking up recipes in the leftover section of that Big Oven app. Rice, pineapple, chicken were the three ingredients. Sweet and sour chicken... obviously. Over rice.

So tomorrow I will have to cook ahead as well. Some jello with mandarin orange slice will be refrigerated. And some corn chowder, potato salad, egg salad, mashed potatoes and bread pudding. That's what's in the fridge that needs to be used up and I don't want to lose anything.

Oh yea...and the nachos with quinoa chips to use up the shredded cheese. Hmmmm. I've got that block of mozzerella I was given and the herb cheese block too. So, I guess, some of the mozzerella for mac and cheese and some for spaghetti casserole with one of the containers of frozen sauce in the freezer.

I wish, I really wish, that I approached the 'to do list' for the rest of my life with as much enthusiasm, focus and energy as I do cooking big batches of food and knowing that I had quick handy meals at hand throughout the week.

So I'm thinking tomorrow, I'm going to try to adopt that attitude towards the rest of my chores....We'll see.

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