Monday, January 5, 2015

New Years's Choices :Re-live, Re-boot, Re-fresh, Re-frame, Re-new it's time to really do this. Regular blogging. Reliable blogging. All three blogs. Good content. Spiffy presentation. etc. etc.
The problem is I just can't follow those marketing formats and 'do this and stratigize that. Would you follow me or listen to me if all I did was just talk?

I  just want to share what's it's like to fully bloom, fully live, fully experience, fulling dine on the banquet of life and serve up encouragement and my own personal wisdom of life that may resonate. And I want you to know that whatever it is that you are trying to do that uses the good within you and adds to the good of the world, don't quit.

Of course, if you are doing bad, stop right now! That's a joke. No it's not. The best way to undo a bad habit is to do something else and make that the focus. Otherwise it's like trying to not think about pink elephants.

The challenge for me as I moved through this latest period of growth during the last two decades has been living life so I could hear the still, small voice, or 'the thin silence' as the Hebrew directly translates. But I did indeed capture some life lessons and strategies about doing that.

Bouyant hope is a necessity and I've gleaned some habits for insuring the essential element of keeping your head and opening your heart.

When I teach I talk about Spiral Curricula. It means you circle and recircle and recircle up and up and up through an issue and each time you see something a different way.

Re-living means looking a the same history with a different connection and different perspective and that opens oneself up to new thinking.

Re-booting means just shutting down everything that isn't working and going for the same goal in a different way.

Re-freshing means putting some fresh energy into something you are doing that is habitual or tradition.

Re-framing means giving a different metaphor to the same declarative statement.

Re-newing means putting new input into content or a lifestyle that will cause a catalytic response that reworks the DNA of a situation.

If you listen very quietly to your insides, it's easy to figure out which action is necessary in your life right now, and shoot... I just did a mini outline of another topic I'd like to teach and/or write about.

Pick your potion. What do you need? Choose the right action and it isn't just a resolution, it's forward motion in your life.

I have this desire to make my blogs look spiffy and visually contemporary, but I don't think clip art or public domain photos have these in their coffers. For right now...can words be enough?
Happy New Year