Sunday, September 28, 2014

The first entry of The Grand Plan...

Since I just publicly declared to blog my journey to homeownership in this space, I'll enter a little something to get started.

Today I am packing up the pieces of my life and putting them in various places so I can embark on what I am calling "The Grand Adventure". After so many failed housing attempts with lousy landlords it leaves my housing head spinning, and having been blackballed for being a whistleblower for clergy sexual misconduct in several situations  and drug and alcohol abuse in my little community, I have decided to switch the priorities in my life and sleep in my car until I can afford to buy my own home.

Theoretically this should spell failure. I'm officially a senior citizen, severely disabled in my ability to walk and move, oh... and I'm a woman. But this is America. Supposedly I can start with nothing and accomplish whatever I like.

I have wasted over three hundred thousand dollars in rent, been unable to complete the writing and musical projects I want to finish and... I have an enormous amount of faith, my education, some street smarts, good business sense, a down comforter, an enormous capacity to "do tough", and a sense of adventure and humour.

More later. Back to packing. Looking forward to you joining me on this journey.

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