Tuesday, November 20, 2012


What a weird Thanksgiving. I'm housesitting in the place I've always referred to as 'my dream house' and have done so enough to not think of it that way anymore. My children are all busy elsewhere and so I'm really kind of alone. And the winds and storms are rolling in with a ferocity that is wearying.

And I am in transition...again...oh my......

Today I looked up a particular set of retirement locations and thought about the glory of living on a fixed income.

Oh wow...this must still be part of that feeling tired thing...that exhaustion I was going through a couple of weeks ago.

Just as weirdly, an odd experience has pulled me out of going to an emotional circle around the drain.

I put on my winter coat and.....oh....my....gosh.....!!! I can zip it all the way up comfortably. I can feel space around my middle when I wear it.   I can wear it when I'm driving and feel comfortable. I can reach for the parking brake release and not have to make sure I'm not sitting on my coat.!!!!

Since last Spring I've been talking about this twenty five pounds I was losing this year and = stunned silence and a moment of pause= I did it.

Dozens of little changes to which I attributed other causes are now clearly because I lost weight!!!!

So I said to friend in knitting, I'm so encouraged I'm going to do more...and she said....
"Why don't you just do the same?"
Is that not the most astoundingly simple good advice? SO that's my goal for this year, to keep doing what I'm doing and lose twenty five more pounds. I'm so excited. What a great way to move into the holiday season.
Thank you ,Thank you ,Thank you, God for the results from many small changes. Ii have learned that small changes make a BIG difference! And so it goes......
Happy Thanksgiving.

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