Friday, October 17, 2014

The New Normal

Finding the perfect place to sleep last night had rich rewards. I slept for seven solid hours and then moving to my morning location after refreshing and renewing myself, promptly traded doing my morning devotional for two more hours of sleep.

Making it through the transition is not any different from making it through any other transition. It is exhausting.

Today, as I made my way to the office, experiencing two extraordinary kindnesses which involved casting a concern about tomorrow aside and enjoying a lovely hot cup of coffee with a day old almond croissant, I drew life in deep within me.

On the docket was reading "The Grapes of Wrath" for Book Club tonight.

I had forgotten how Steinbeck shaped me early on in my life and how I aspire to his writing.

In the back of my mind and heart, at all times are the cats. Getting them through the transition is my next 'to do'.

And then comes joining the Athletic Club.

But I noticed there are two sturdy railings on the steps up to my office. So I have, already, been able to strengthen my back for climbing.

Life has a lovely new normal rhythm. With the exception of my sleeping arrangements, I am like anyone else in the middle class world.

Best of all is being free of people who mismanage their lives. They are free to do so. I do not judge. But I now longer want my life shaped or influenced or controlled by them, as near as I am able.

Now, I am extremely tired. So..TTFN said Tigger.

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