Monday, October 6, 2014

Moving On and Settling In

Are moves ever NOT dramatic? Help came after a tearful night of deep grief at having to move once more. The landlord circled at the eleventh hour. His wife took pictures of us loading things into my van. When people know they are in the wrong, they always get self righteous. Let the dead bury the dead. Shake the dust off your sandals. All of it, true.

Friends say the kitties can come after all. Dinner with same friends and then off to the store for Cat food, "Hazed and Confused" and something else I can't remember.  Back to bed down the kitties and then bed down me. The family hosting me is excited. My ice cream is melting and I am exhausted but their care, bringing me vitamins(Bcomplex for stress and cq10) and a funny animal pillow is sweet and well intended. At last I am alone. A bit of "Say, Yes to the Dress", some melty dairy confection and dreamland.

The middle of the night necessity which has plagued me by anticipation? Let's just say being a Girl Scout and camping a lot with my family paid off. No big deal.

Thursday, into Seattle after the morning shift, I start off loading stuff; boxes to a friend that is moving, stuff belonging and/or gifted to Caity, Isaac, Slavica and Pajo.

Slowly the level in the way back of the car recedes. A friend mentions an empty apartment and suddenly, at the end of my work shift I find myself with a four day holiday in Seattle. An extra work day on Friday, then off to the Kiev Choir reunion dinner, Saturday a women's meeting (PWF Moms) and then some time with Caity, an errand running her and Katherine to a wedding with me enjoying a double feature at the $4 movies: "A Most Wanted Man" and "The Trip to Italy".

A kind of slumber with upstairs neighbors heavy footed until 3:30AM.

Sunday- St Mark's and the blessing of the animals, Caity to work, and back to the apartment for packing, St Ben's for 7PM mass, UPC and Compline streaming the radio. Going home. Parked in a place that ought to have felt safe but felt creepy. Still- ok sleep.

Have discovered various fast food healthy selections like Wendy's spicy Asian chicken cashew salad and now am unpacking in the office. Sunniest corner ever. Off to a new start. Too many days without blogging. Too much itinerary, not enough feelings and discoveries. Just so excited the past, and the ministry is behind me. On to better, faith intact!

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