Sunday, October 19, 2014

They call it 'anointed'

OK... so bear with me. Hear gentle but firm in my voice. I am NOT homeless. I sleep in my car sometimes. I pay no money for sleeping. Except when I rent a hotel room after my eye treatments.

This thing has started so I want to clarify.

After five lousy money sucking rentals with rotten landlords who wasted much of my money in seven years in a row, keeping me from getting my writing projects completed and to the market place, I made the adventurous decision to split apart the pieces of my life. I rented an office that a comes with so many amenities both physical and social that I told one co-worker today it feels decadent.

My things, which I don't want to pay attention to right now because it would distract me are in two storage units, one for furniture and one with boxes of possiessions.

That is not homeless. That is organized to accomplish a certain goal.

I am too old to get a regular job. I have been blackballed in the church for over twenty years and so all my training and education is only useful in helping me write. I have been working as a family care specialist and I'm getting too old for that.

I have interesting projects I am working on which will make the world a better place. I have wonderful volunteer commitments that enrich my life.

The only sad part has been about the cats and I will write about that another time.

So.............please do not look at me with sad eyes and ask how I am. I will startle you and tell you, "I am having the time of my life and it's getting better every day.!!"

Many thanks to my daughter Caity who is supportive of my adventure in that she doesn't get on my case about it or criticize it as a bad plan.

And how do I know I am making the right choice? Because everything having to do with writing and getting things to market is on green light fast forward. Case in point. Today for the first time I  needed to have the printer connection that hadn't been hooked up yet. No sooner do I say to myself, "Shoot, I wish I could print this out" than around the corner comes the tech guy who one of the co workers had seen out in the parking lot. Twenty minutes later, I'm printing stuff. It's like that all the time.

Am I angry that I have been subjected to what I've been through for the last twenty years? Absolutely. Am I bitter.No, just pissed. So I move on from it immediately? Always. Hence, The Grand Adventure.

Today was a typical writing day. I came to the office after morning liturgy and fixed a nice breakfast and watched a little TV. Then I went through two of the totes to start to sort out two different projects. A co worker asked if I wanted coffee. She had figured out the machine. We chatted for about forty five minutes about writing goals and our processes. I went back to work.   The tech guy came. I called Pet Protectors about the cats. Went back to work, wrote some more. Then I fixed dinner and watched the national news. Looked at facebook, and now am closing down for the day. My biggest problem right now is figuring out how to wudge the keyboard so I can lean back in my incredibly comfotable office chair.

The gold anniversary clock on my bookshelf says bedtime is nigh. I'm thinking actually I will not clean off my desk tonight because I will be back right after my morning shift.

When I sleep, I will nestle down in very comfortable and cozy fleece blankets, watch an episode of 'Blue Bloods that my aunt and uncle got me hooked on and snooze away in quiet and peace until the alarm goes off.

Hopefully this next month I can start to offer my classes and increase my income. The goal is to get income increased now that I have reduced expenses. $210 in new tires last Wednesday and over $400 in pet expenses before I'm done, will set me back a bit. But...I am undeterred.

So when you see me, or if you want to make a comment here, please...look at me with Joy and say, "Wow! We are so proud of you for having the guts to do this!! Can't wait til the books are out!! You go girl." 

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